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Editorial Board

The Journal of Healthcare Management Standards boasts of a diverse and highly esteemed editorial board.

Meet Our Experts

The Journal of Healthcare Management Standards realizes that the most innovative, timely, and groundbreaking ideas in healthcare management come from a diverse, international, collaborative mindset. With this goal in mind, the journal is proud to have an editorial board comprised of academics and subject matter experts from 12 countries representing six continents. It is from this this deep and varied experience, knowledge, and practice, that the journal is able to present an unbiased, unique, and academically rigorous selection of scholarship about healthcare organization management and standardization that is globally relevant. Our board members advise on policy, identify emerging topics for future issues, attract new authors and submissions, promote the journal, and assist in decision making over articles.

Editor In Chief

Dr. Sharon Kleefield, PhD

Harvard Medical School, United States

Managing Editors

Dr. Veronica Edwards, DBA

Healthcare Standards Institute, United States

Dr. Gene Migliaccio, DrPH

The George Washington University, United States

Dr. David Vequist, IV, PhD

University of the Incarnate Word, United States

Associate Editors

Dr. Ayesha Abdullah, PhD, MBA

Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates

Mr. Michael Anthony, PE

University of Michigan, United States

Dr. Brad Beauvais, PhD, FACHE

Texas State University, United States

Dr. Matan J. Cohen, MD, MPH, PhD

Hebrew University, Israel

Dr. Jaime Garza, MD, DDS

Tulane University, United States

Dr. Nicole Gerber, PhD

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland

Dr. Edwin Harari, MD

University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta, PhD

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Dr. Claudia Mika, PhD

Temos International Healthcare Accreditation, Germany

Dr. Elom Otchi, PhD

Africa Institute of Healthcare Quality Safety & Accreditation, Ghana

Dr. Pascal Michel Staccini, MD, PhD

University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Dr. Valdenize Tiziani, MSc, PhD

Hospital da Crianca de Brasilia, Brazil

Dr. Shin Ushiro, MD, PhD

Kyushu University Hospital, Japan

Mr. Lee Webster, JD, MBA

Northwestern University, United States

Dr. Dong (Roman) Xu, PhD, MPP

South Medical University, China

Editorial Review Board Members

Dr. Raj Ambay

Washington University, United States

Elizabeth G. Clark, MA, MPH

Boston University, United States

Dr. Lynn T. Downs

University of the Incarnate Word, United States

Mr. Ilan Geva, MA

Loyola University Chicago, United States

Dr. M. Rashad Massoud, MD, MPH, FACP

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States

Dr. Ron McKinley, PhD, MBA, SPHR

Healthcare Standards Institute, United States

Dr. Steve Meigs, DHA

HSI Foundation, United States

Dr. Katie Morales, PhD, RN, CNE

University of West Georgia, United States

Dr. Rajiv Pathni

Research Foundation of Hospital and Healthcare Administration , India

Mr. Don Taylor, MHA

University of Texas at Dallas, United States

Paola Lucesoli de Valyi

Pontificia Universidad Católica, Argentina