Why the Healthcare Standards Institute?

We specialize in Healthcare Organization Management.

Specialists in Healthcare Organization Management

There are many certification authorities, but only a handful that specialize specifically in healthcare organization management. We focus on standards that lead to better patient outcomes and health systems strengthening. Our laser focus allows us to bring value-added services to our partners and clients. The HSI assessment team is comprised of accomplished health professionals from academia, governmental public health agencies, public and private hospitals, correctional facilities, laboratories, and outpatient services. We are physicians, nurses, scientists, public health professionals, and health administration experts. Most importantly, we are on your side. Our shared passion brings joint purpose to the certification process.


Recent healthcare challenges and ever-changing reimbursement schemes have taught us that we have to be strategic, often producing more with less. We at HSI are healthcare professionals, and intimately understand these challenges. Therefore, we pride ourselves in offering the most competitive certification services in the nation. Our organizational structure is lean and agile so that we may keep up with fair market pricing and provide your organization with much needed certifications.

We Create the Standards

The Healthcare Standards Institute is a creator of American national standards. Recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an Accredited Standards Developer (ASD), HSI is committed to enhancing the quality, safety and well-being of individuals, while creating and upholding the regulatory standards necessary to maintain a competitive edge for American businesses working in the world of healthcare.

As HSI is a developer of new national standards, this often means that we are the only organization that holds the rights to those standards. More importantly, we are the premier experts in those standards. In addition to national standards, HSI is proud to offer international certifications such as to ISO standards.

HSI is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 304 Healthcare Organization Management. In this capacity we collaborate with experts from around the globe to create international ISO standards. Much like their domestic versions, international standards are documents that describe the specifications, metrics, and procedures necessary to produce repeatable and reliable measurements, methods, processes, services and/or products that are used by organizations and individuals. Your organization may be certified to a national standard, international standard, or both. Contact us to determine what type of standards and certifications best achieve your desired result.

Ease of Process

We have fine-tuned and streamlined our procedures so that we are agile and rapid. We strive for clear communication and expectations from start to finish. As with all high-quality management systems, we have an effective process to help you seamlessly through the certification experience. We would not be the premiere institute for Healthcare Management Standards if we did not.

Value-Added Assessments

The assessment process does not have to be one of fear and fault finding. On the contrary, at HSI we believe in value-added assessments. While we always adhere to objective evidence and the guidelines that govern us as a certification body, there are ways that our auditors bring added value. Auditors can help you to focus on your company culture, provide you with important information for future decision making, help you identify possible risks, provide examples of best practices seen in the industry, help you focus on the root causes of nonconformities, and inspire you to see the broader picture. Our auditors always embrace a culture of discovery, learning and improvement.

To request a certification application, please contact: application@hsi.health